Inhabit team publishes in Canadian magazine
Inhabit’s CK Dickson Wong, Senior Associate | Toronto, and Ho Sung Kim, Computational Design Lead | Hong Kong, have published the lead article in Pushing the Envelope Canada Magazine Fall edition.
Entitled Free-form Façades: A Survey of Optimization, Documentation, and Fabrication Methodologies, the article looks at the three approaches that one can take for computational maximization of standardization and planarization:
• Top-down: optimizing the global architectural surface in a way that maximizes the number of standardized and/or planar
• Bottom-up: optimizing local façade elements (e.g., a panel) as such that they become standardized as they are being
populated across an architectural surface,
• Bi-directional: optimizing both the global surface and local elements to achieve standardization and planarization.
To read the article download the PDF: Free-form Façades: A Survey of Optimization, Documentation, and Fabrication Methodologies (544Kb)