Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

This policy explains how Inhabit collects, uses and discloses personal information.

Inhabit views the protection of your personal information as an important issue and is committed to the protection and responsible handling of the data we collect.

About Us

Inhabit is a business focused on delivering professional design, engineering and consulting services in the building and construction industry. Our offices are located globally, with a current list of offices operations available on our website

Inhabit is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Egis Privacy Policy is here:

Your Personal Information

Personal information is information about you, from which your identity could reasonably be ascertained. The types of personal information we may collect includes (but is not limited to) your first name, family name/surname, gender, residential/contact address, telephone numbers, email contact details, occupational details, details about your personal interests, images of you, and other information relevant to the business activities undertaken by Inhabit from time to time.

Where Inhabit requests that you provide your personal information and you elect not to provide it, you acknowledge and accept that we may not be able to provide you with some or all of the services or information that you may be seeking or that we offer.

Collection of Personal Information

Inhabit collects personal information from a variety of sources and methods, including:

  • Communications between you and Inhabit, including emails, telephone calls or in writing (for example, surveys, feedback forms, registration for events, competitions and promotions, online inquiries etc.)
  • Your participation in conferences, workshops, discussions, forums and/or interviews with Inhabit (including, for example, by filming or recording you).
  • When you access or register on Inhabit websites (including or websites associated with booking/processing/requesting professional services and/or products and
  • From publicly available sources of information.
  • When you apply for a job with Inhabit
  • If you are an employee of Inhabit

Information is collected, wherever possible, from you directly. Inhabit commits to collecting your personal information lawfully, fairly and without undue intrusion. At the time your personal information is collected, Inhabit will take reasonable steps to advise you whether there are any consequences of not providing that information. Inhabit will not collect sensitive personal Information about you (for example, information about your racial or ethnic origin or religious affiliation) unless Inhabit first obtains your consent.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

The personal information you provide to Inhabit gives valuable insights into the views of people conducting activities in the construction and engineering industry. To do this, Inhabit may use your personal information for a variety of purposes, such as research and analysis. Inhabit may also send you information and updates about Inhabit initiatives, events and services and provide you with information, news and updates relating to our industry in general.

If you do not wish to receive these updates or information, please contact us via our website at

Inhabit also uses personal information for the purpose(s) that are communicated to you at the time of collection (or a related purpose that you would reasonably expect). Inhabit may disclose your personal information in entirety or partially obfuscated to third parties, such as:

  • Digital (web) services monitoring providers.
  • Government and regulatory authorities and other related organisations (as required or authorised by law or as is reasonably necessary for the assistance for law enforcement).
  • Its professional advisors (such as auditors).
  • Organisations that assist Inhabit to conduct research or analyse data.
  • Other organisations that assist Inhabit to provide services to you from time to time.

We take reasonable steps to ensure these third parties are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information.


You have a right to access your personal information. Charges may apply to cover the cost of accessing and providing this information to you. Requests for access should be sent to Inhabit at the contact details listed at the bottom of this Privacy Policy in the Contacts section.


Wherever it is practicable and lawful, Inhabit will allow you to interact anonymously with us.

Data Quality and Security

Inhabit will take reasonable steps to:

  • Ensure that the personal information it collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up-to-date (however, the accuracy of your information depends on the information you provide and whether you keep Inhabit updated on changes), and
  • Protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure and securely destroy personal information if it is not bound by legal obligation and no longer required for any purpose.

Inhabit has implemented technology and security policies, rules and measures to help protect the personal information that is under its control. However, whilst Inhabit endeavours to protect your personal information, Inhabit cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to it online.

Website Privacy

In general, you can visit and browse Inhabit websites without disclosing your personal information. However, where you submit your personal information on a website e.g. complete and submit a webform or apply for a job, your personal information will be managed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Privacy Statement

Inhabit websites may contain links to various third party sites. Inhabit is not responsible for the content and the privacy practices of other third party websites operated by other organisations. Inhabit encourages you to examine each site’s privacy policy and make your own decisions about providing personal information whilst visiting those sites. Inhabit uses a variety of web monitoring technologies (via third party service providers) to gather information to assist in improving site usability, security and the information we present to you.

These technologies include:

  • Google Analytics: Google Analytics data refers to visitor logs and statistics about the path a user takes while using a site. This technology is used purely for statistical purposes (such as tracking unique browsers to the sites);
  • Cookies: Cookies are small data files that are placed on a user’s computer/tablet device/mobile device, which are used to collect statistical information each time a user accesses a site (for example, the number of visits to the website, documents viewed, how the site is navigated and the type of search engine used to arrive at the site);
  • Mimecast: Mimecast is a third party email screening and security service which helps reduce email spam, email born viruses and malware. This technology is used as a security measure to help protect the privacy of users.
  • Smart Recruiters: Smart Recruiters is a third party Job Candidate Application Tracking System (ATS). This technology is used to help screen and filter job applicants and securely store their information.

You may be able to disable or avoid some of these technologies by adjusting your Internet browser settings, though doing so may prevent you from taking advantage of improvements to the sites Inhabit maintains or receiving services or information from Inhabit.

Inhabit reserves the right to continue to update and change its websites, without notice.

Jurisdiction & Governing Law

State of Victoria, Australia.

GDPR – General Data Privacy Regulation

Inhabit commits to abide by the General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) as issued by the European Privacy Commission, introduced 25th May 2018.

Inhabit has identified the below relevant points of discussion in relation to its obligation to GDPR:

  1. Data Processor : Inhabit Staff, London, United Kingdom, in person.
  2. Data Processor : Inhabit Staff, Paris, France, in person.
  3. Data Processor : Inhabit Website.
  4. Data Processor : Third party Applicant Tracking System System (ATS) for recruitment of staff, United States.
  5. Data Processor : Inhabit Staff, All Offices, under direction of Data Controller : Primary.
  6. Data Processor : Other third party systems necessary for commercial operations in relation to security, regulatory compliance and governance. These are commercial in confidence but will be disclosed to any party with a legitimate inquiry.
  7. Data Processor : Parent Company, Egis, Paris, France
  8. Data Controller : Primary – Inhabit Staff, London, United Kingdom.
  9. Data Controller : Primary – Inhabit Staff, Paris, France.
  10. Data Controller : Primary – Inhabit Human Resources, Melbourne, Australia
  11. Data Controller : Primary – Inhabit Enterprise Services, Melbourne, Australia
  12. Data Controller : Primary – Inhabit Finance, Melbourne, Australia
  13. Data Controller : Secondary – Inhabit Administration Staff, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China.

All inquiries to the above, can be directed to the below listed in CONTACT.


Any questions relating to the Privacy Policy or your personal information can be directed to:

  • Email at DPO.EGIS@EGIS.FR or in writing at the following postal address: EGIS SA / DPO, Legal Department, 15 avenue du center, CS 20538 Guyancourt, 78286, SAINT-QUENTIN-EN-YVELINES, FRANCE.

Formal requests for information should be put in writing and sent to the above listed address. Each request will be considered and directed to the appropriate Data Controller. Where applicable, legal and/or statutory authority advice will be sought to ensure that Inhabit is in compliance with the Privacy Act, in the State of Victoria, Australia as a primary starting point and as applicable to the country of the origin of enquiry e.g. European Union GDPR, US CCPA, PRC PIPL etc.

Updates, Revisions, Amendments

Inhabit reserves the right to amend this policy from time to time.

Last reviewed & updated

25th June 2024