Inhabit NZ achieves NetZero

Inhabit’s Auckland office has achieved Net carbon zero accreditation from Toitū, making it the first Inhabit office in the world to gain external certification. This achievement is a result of Inhabit’s collective commitment to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint.

In 2022, Inhabit New Zealand set a goal to become Net Zero by 2024 and achieved this six months ahead of their deadline. The project was led by Auckland team members Aimee Walker, Business Support Administrator and Kaitlin Franks, Building Physics + Sustainability Engineer.

Aimee comments:

Our journey towards achieving Net Zero draws on the Maori concept of Kaitiakitanga which means guardianship and protection. As kaitiaki ‘guardians,’ our goal as a Company is to play an active part in reducing the impact we make environmentally, for future generations. For us, we want to influence the Built Environment to help shape a society that future generations will be proud of.

Inhabit’s four offices in Australia have commenced the process to achieve carbon neutral certification.

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua
If we take care of the earth and take care of people, we will take care of the future