Inhabit in Collaboration with RIBA Hong Kong – Beauty is More Than Skin Deep
Hong Kong SAR, China:
On Thursday the 23rd of June, Inhabit Hong Kong hosted The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) monthly event ‘Brick On Break – The Professional Series’.
The event themed “Beauty is More Than Skin Deep” was the second of a two part series that looked at building façades and how to integrate design not only architecturally, but also with other engineering design disciplines. John Campbell, Chair of RIBA HK Chapter and Chair of the Society of Façade Engineering ran the series events; the idea was to encourage direct, incisive and insightful exchanges of concepts which would cross-over between the two events.
Inhabit’s Speakers from the night included:
Mr. Hugh Brennand, Mr. Jovi Wong, Mr. CK Dickson Wong & Mr. Ben Luder